As many of you know our passion is for the abused farm dogs who come into us in a very poor state. These dogs need time and patience to heal and no dog is rushed to be adopted and some may spend the rest of their lives at the rescue due to the mental damaged caused to them by mankind, we NEVER put a dog to sleep no matter what their issue,s are. after all they weren’t born bad.
Yes we do ask an adoption fee of £300 but this does not cover the cost of innoculations, neutering, microchipping , feeding or additional vet fee,s, the shortfall comes from donations and from Gill’s pension.
If you feel you can help on a regular basis you can set up a regular payment through our Paypal account or through the donate button at the top of the website.
Many of you continue to support us and raise funds and we would like to say a HUGE thank you to all of you for your continued support.